Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Your New Year's Resolution
As we look ahead and realize New Year's Eve is this Saturday, it causes one to ponder what should we expect not only for the weekend but for the new year. And at the same time, it becomes a time of reflection on the previous year.
The words, "whatever you are doing on New Year's Eve, you are destined to do for the rest of the year". I don't know where that came from originally, but I heard it about five years ago. It has put a different spin on my new years since.
So just this morning as I got ready to sit down to write, I was racking my brain to remember what we did last New Year's Eve. And then it hit me. We were shoveling, like most of you, what felt like mountains of snow. Not only were we snowed in, but we were snowed out of LAKEVIEW on New Years! Now we've never traditionally, planned for huge New Year's Eve parties. With all the competition from the other businesses, private parties, freezing cold temperatures, and the fear of sobriety checks, we've determined our niche is to provide an evening of early diners and a cozy evening of karaoke sing-a-longs with family and friends, those that want to avoid the loud and rowdy blow-outs.
But to be closed on New Year's weekend was, what we later found, to be the beginning of a devastating year for all of us who live and do business within the Poinsett Area LakeS. And so those words have never rang more clearly, "whatever you are are destined to do for the rest of the year".
So join us in welcoming in the New Year by making sure that what you are doing this weekend, is what you want to see yourself doing throughout 2012. And maybe that's a New Year's Resolution we can all live with.
We at LAKEVIEW, hope that stopping in at LAKEVIEW for a drink, (be it coffee, hot cider, juice or a beer), a sweet treat (candy, pie, ice cream or pop), munchies (Old Dutch or Dakota style chips, nuts, jerky or sunflower seeds), live bait and tackle, or a hot meal (breakfast, lunch or supper) is at the top of your NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION-TO DO LIST- every week you're here at the lake. Stop in and see us soon, we'll be looking out for you!
Happy New Year to You!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Christmas and LAKEVIEW
Link to LAKEVIEW's Facebook page/
Holiday Hours at LAKEVIEW
Closing at 3pm Saturday, Christmas Eve
Closed all Sunday, Christmas Day
Open 7am -3pm, Mondays
Open New Year's Eve and
Open Sunday, New Year's Day!
Dear God,
During this extremely busy time of year, as we squeeze in time for family and friends to
Shop for
Visit with
Write to
Bake for
Send & receive pictures
Share stories
Cook for
Create new and practice old traditions
With your help may they find us staying grounded and cheerful.
May this season of joy find you keeping your heart warm and looking for the little gifts from God all around us. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
Holiday Hours at LAKEVIEW
Closing at 3pm Saturday, Christmas Eve
Closed all Sunday, Christmas Day
Open 7am -3pm, Mondays
Open New Year's Eve and
Open Sunday, New Year's Day!
Dear God,
During this extremely busy time of year, as we squeeze in time for family and friends to
Shop for
Visit with
Write to
Bake for
Send & receive pictures
Share stories
Cook for
Create new and practice old traditions
With your help may they find us staying grounded and cheerful.
May this season of joy find you keeping your heart warm and looking for the little gifts from God all around us. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
Lake Poinsett Update of Dec 19, 2011
Link to LAKEVIEW's Facebook page/
I wanted to share this informative email, forwarded to us, this week by Sue Peters:
I wanted to share this informative email, forwarded to us, this week by Sue Peters:
-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Richard - NRCS-CD, Hayti, SD []
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 4:44 PM
Subject: Lake Poinsett Update Dec 19,2011
Checking in one last time for 2011.
For many Lake Poinsett residents 2011 will be one they would like to forget, but no doubt never will. No predictions of next year yet, but a few items that will have an impact on water issues. The watershed is in a far different position than last year. Hamlin county is officially listed as experiencing a drought which started in July and continues. The soil profile is extremely dry versus last year being in a saturated condition. The small sloughs and wetlands are empty with only the larger ones having surface water at freeze-up time. The upper lakes have quit overflowing or nearly so, which adds some early capacity. Summing this all up, it will take a lot more snow and/or rain than last year's near record amounts to create a repeat of 2011 problems.
Always in need of a good story to relate to others, may I provide you with some material. Don't try to read all this on your Blackberry.
From the first time I experienced flooding conditions at Lake Poinsett I was always suspicious about why it took so long for water to exit Poinsett and get into the Big Sioux River. Water would rise in March often peak in April and then stay above flood levels until late July or August or later. Looking at the topography and elevation drop from the outlet of Poinsett to points below Estelline, one can understand that it is relatively flat and maybe that explains enough it. Knowing that the Big Sioux River already flowing full makes it difficult to fill the river even more from Poinsett gives reason for the slow outflow also. Some surmise that the reason is the roads and bridges between Poinsett and the Big Sioux River that throttles back the flow, although we never see evidence of water blockage (higher on upstream side vs. downstream side) at any of those suspected sites. Others comment that because the channel is filled with vegetation it causes a slow down, but the water moves in a definite channel with adequate capacity and it does not have vegetation in the main channel. Even the gate system is sometimes blamed, but again, we never see any elevation difference of up or downstream water at the gates when open. Something I did discover this Fall and received supplemental information on was that the Ordinary High Water Mark established on Lake Poinsett is truly determined by a high point in the outlet channel nearly 3/4 of a mile downstream from the flood gates. Yes, the lake shore used to go that far and still does when full. An old line of rock mark this site which is visible north of the bridge 1/2 mile North and 3/4 mile East of the flood gates. This realization dismisses any thoughts that the sill of the flood gates impedes the flow or that a deeper channel to the lake would make a difference. The water would still have to climb that natural ridge to get out and water doesn't climb!
I'm going to give Darvin Holter (North Lake Drive) credit for putting me on to something else. He suggested that something at the point of where the Outlet channel of Poinsett and the Big Sioux River met may be causing a problem, although he didn't really know what the nature of the problem was other than the way the river and channel bend together. In early June I hiked into the general area which is approximately one mile from any road, but with the flood conditions it all just looked like one large lake and was even hard to distinguish where the channels were located. Later in the summer I found aerial photos taken in 2010 (with lower water levels) showing an abrupt change in the direction of water as it entered the Big Sioux River. Because the Big Sioux River water was muddy and the Poinsett water was clear, one could see that Poinsett water was meeting Big Sioux River water head to head before they both turned and went down the river mixed. In September after finding that information I contacted the landowner for permission to access the site by field roads and in turn he drove me back in and offered some fascinating information.
Prior to 1911, Sioux Falls Power and Light owned the property. I was able to confirm that through the Register of Deeds, but no mention of anything else as far as improvements or structures when the property changed hands in 1911. The landowner related an old family tale that the power company had built a diversion dam across the Big Sioux River to channel water into Poinsett in the spring and then it would supply the Big Sioux River throughout the summer months with water to run water wheels and generators all along the river going south. This information coming after hearing of all the low head dams that still exist on the BSR (several drowning attributed to them), it was completely believable.
When we approached the site in September with low water flows, it was obvious that indeed a rock structure was present but the extent of it didn't impact me until I realized it was some 8 ft plus in height and over 100 ft long. The landowner said that he was told that farmers dynamited a large portion of it across the river to get rid of it at one time. Much of the rest of it had for years silted in was barely visible without probing the grass to find the rock. Since no rock exist for several miles in this area, one can only imagine the work to bring all the rock in by horse and hand place each of the 20 to 50 pound rocks used. Some old wood pilings still remained and no doubt provided some sort of additional gating. While the portion across the BSR was either gone or not visible, it was still plain to see that water was deflected so that it had to try to flow against the BSR to get out of the outlet channel.
It would have been interesting trying to calculate the hydrologic effect from the energy dissipated from the two water forces meeting. Only through some type of modeling will we ever know the measurable effect as the structural impact was removed last Wednesday. While it only took a day to dismantle, the paperwork and contacts with Corps of Engineers, USDA, Cultural Resource, Northern Prairies Land Trust, East Dakota Water Development District and the Lake Poinsett Water Project District took a couple of months until I could give the contractor a go ahead.
Going forward the only thing to expect (or hope for) from this endeavor is to shorten up the time that flood conditions remain on Poinsett after a flooding event. Nothing has changed in the elevations of Ordinary High Water, how deep the outlet channel or Big Sioux River is or even maximum height that Poinsett might reach during a quick fill.
Season's Greetings to All of You and Hope for an Enjoyable New Year!
Rick Smith
North Central Big Sioux River/
Lake Poinsett Watershed Coordinator
PO Box 165
Hayti, SD 57241
Friday, December 2, 2011
Local Teen Paralyzed while Hunting-Benefit Tonight at Hamlin High
Link to LAKEVIEW's Facebook page/
Tyler Tascher Benefit tonight at the Hamlin High School gym - bid up the new, fine hand-tooled leather scoped rifle case, the LAKEVIEW $25 gift certificate or beer donations. When Bob was hurt at 16, in 1971 in a car rollover while out bird hunting, the community of Salem raised $10,000. Our hope is that the Hamlin county area can do as well for this young man, paralyzed when a tree fell on his tree stand while hunting. Tyler is now at the Craig Rehab Center in CO, a place close to Bob's heart. Good luck, to Tyler and his family!
Tyler Tascher Benefit tonight at the Hamlin High School gym - bid up the new, fine hand-tooled leather scoped rifle case, the LAKEVIEW $25 gift certificate or beer donations. When Bob was hurt at 16, in 1971 in a car rollover while out bird hunting, the community of Salem raised $10,000. Our hope is that the Hamlin county area can do as well for this young man, paralyzed when a tree fell on his tree stand while hunting. Tyler is now at the Craig Rehab Center in CO, a place close to Bob's heart. Good luck, to Tyler and his family!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
We Give Thanks
Link to LAKEVIEW's Facebook page/
The LAKEVIEW will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. As we approach the three-month anniversary date of our re-opening November 24th, the crew of the LAKEVIEW will be taking advantage of the Thanksgiving holiday to reflect and give thanks. We'll be spending time as a family, doing what families do on Thanksgiving day, feasting, relaxing and watching lots of football.
Friday morning, we'll be back at it at 7am. and will be there until closing (sometime after 11pm.)
Please keep us in mind for your holiday plans whether it be a gift certificate or Christmas party for friends or co-workers. Maybe a breakfast or lunch date at the lake, before shopping or cookie-making. How about a night out for supper and a cocktail with friends for an impromptu holiday gathering. You bring the party and we'll keep it festive with good company, drink and your favorite foods. (And we'll cheerfully do the clean-up!)
The LAKEVIEW will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. As we approach the three-month anniversary date of our re-opening November 24th, the crew of the LAKEVIEW will be taking advantage of the Thanksgiving holiday to reflect and give thanks. We'll be spending time as a family, doing what families do on Thanksgiving day, feasting, relaxing and watching lots of football.
Friday morning, we'll be back at it at 7am. and will be there until closing (sometime after 11pm.)
Please keep us in mind for your holiday plans whether it be a gift certificate or Christmas party for friends or co-workers. Maybe a breakfast or lunch date at the lake, before shopping or cookie-making. How about a night out for supper and a cocktail with friends for an impromptu holiday gathering. You bring the party and we'll keep it festive with good company, drink and your favorite foods. (And we'll cheerfully do the clean-up!)
Friday, November 11, 2011
Feeling Inspired this Veteran's Day?
LAKEVIEW's Facebook page
Did you know, on this Veteran's Day, 11-11-11, there are more than 22 million living American Veterans? Let us humbly Thank You for your service. May God Bless You and the USA!
If you feel like you want to do something to help, check out these links from the recent Parade section in the newspaper. Donate your old phones and this organization will pay for an hour of talk time for troops overseas. This service group sponsors an annual campaign collecting clothing, food and more for holiday gift boxes for service members. Donate your DVD's to your local VA facility or mail them to this organization and they will distribute them where needed.
Want more ideas? For additional links on other ways to help veterans, go to this link and scroll down:
And go to You Tube with this link to watch a beautiful tribute to our veterans with music by Lee Greenwood "God Bless the USA"
Did you know, on this Veteran's Day, 11-11-11, there are more than 22 million living American Veterans? Let us humbly Thank You for your service. May God Bless You and the USA!
If you feel like you want to do something to help, check out these links from the recent Parade section in the newspaper. Donate your old phones and this organization will pay for an hour of talk time for troops overseas. This service group sponsors an annual campaign collecting clothing, food and more for holiday gift boxes for service members. Donate your DVD's to your local VA facility or mail them to this organization and they will distribute them where needed.
Want more ideas? For additional links on other ways to help veterans, go to this link and scroll down:
And go to You Tube with this link to watch a beautiful tribute to our veterans with music by Lee Greenwood "God Bless the USA"
Monday, November 7, 2011
Christmas 2011 -- Birth of a New Tradition?
An email recently received, definitely worth repeating as we begin gathering our holiday shopping ideas.
"As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high
gear to provide Americans with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods --
merchandise that has been produced at the expense of American labor. This
year will be different. This year Americans will give the gift of genuine
concern for other Americans. There is no longer an excuse that, at gift
giving time, nothing can be found that is produced by American hands. Yes,
there is!
It's time to think outside the box, people. Who says a gift needs to fit in
a shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper?
Everyone -- yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift certificates
from your local American hair salon or barber?
Gym membership? It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about some
health improvement.
Who wouldn't appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, American owned
detail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate or a
book of gift certificates.
Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plonking down
the Benjamins on a Chinese made flat-screen? Perhaps that grateful gift
receiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed for the summer, or
driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local golf course.
There are a bazillion owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift
certificates. And, if your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what about
a half dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint. Remember, folks this
isn't about big National chains -- this is about supporting your home town
Americans with their financial lives on the line to keep their doors open.
How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or
motorcycle, done at a shop run by the American working guy?
Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a
local cleaning lady for a day.
My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy who is
struggling to get his repair business up and running.
OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts people spin
their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery
and beautiful wooden boxes.
Plan your holiday outings at local, owner operated restaurants and leave
your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at
your hometown theatre.
Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.
Honestly, people, do you REALLY need to buy another ten thousand Chinese
lights for the house? When you buy a five dollar string of light, about
fifty cents stays in the community. If you have those kinds of bucks to
burn, leave the mailman, trash guy or babysitter a nice BIG tip.
You see, Christmas is no longer about draining American pockets so that
China can build another glittering city. Christmas is now about caring about
US, encouraging American small businesses to keep plugging away to follow
their dreams. And, when we care about other Americans, we care about our
communities, and the benefits come back to us in ways we couldn't imagine.
THIS is the new American Christmas tradition.
Forward this to everyone on your mailing list -- post it to discussion
groups -- throw up a post on Craigslist in the Rants and Raves section in
your city -- send it to the editor of your local paper and radio stations,
and TV news departments. This is a revolution of caring about each other,
and isn't that what Christmas is about?"
Monday, October 24, 2011
Marking 2nd Month Since Re-opening
Today marks two months since re-opening August 24th. Taking this opportunity to say, thank you for another great month!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sportsmen's Delight
Whether pheasant hunting or walleye fishing, this last weekend's weather provided the perfect fall experience for many people out making the most of our numbered nice fall October days. Having grown 'used to' a white Halloween over the last few years, there is a nagging feeling of dread in the air. Forecast is calling for freezing temperatures overnight this week. So far we've avoided a hard freeze and the late ripening tomatoes are now just turning red.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Pool & Dart Seasons Kick Off with wins for LAKEVIEW
Hamlin County Dart & Pool Seasons begin this week. LAKEVIEW's pool teams both won their matches last night and will play each other next Wednesday. Tonight begins the dart season with LAKEVIEW's teams scheduled with a bye and one playing away. See the entire schedule at United Games web site:
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Forty Days Open Since the Noah’s Ark Party that moved to Badger!
LAKEVIEW has been open now for 40 days, so thought it a good time to reflect and once again send our thanks to everyone for the continued support, good wishes and even gifts!
The Grand Re-Opening/Customer Appreciation Event this last weekend was very well-attended and very fun. Good times!
LAKEVIEW has been open now for 40 days, so thought it a good time to reflect and once again send our thanks to everyone for the continued support, good wishes and even gifts!
The Grand Re-Opening/Customer Appreciation Event this last weekend was very well-attended and very fun. Good times!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Grand Re-Opening & Customer Appreciation
Link to Facebook
Join us this weekend. We'll have the salad bar available both Friday and Saturday evenings. Friday night beginning at 9:30 we've arranged for Unique Entertainment to entertain you with a karaoke/dj show. To show our appreciation to you, our customers we're offering to you, Happy Hour Prices on Saturday from 7am until close. That means any restaurant/bar beverage will be $1 off all day. Order an appetizer and we'll take a dollar off the regular price all day, Saturday. Come out and enjoy!
Join us this weekend. We'll have the salad bar available both Friday and Saturday evenings. Friday night beginning at 9:30 we've arranged for Unique Entertainment to entertain you with a karaoke/dj show. To show our appreciation to you, our customers we're offering to you, Happy Hour Prices on Saturday from 7am until close. That means any restaurant/bar beverage will be $1 off all day. Order an appetizer and we'll take a dollar off the regular price all day, Saturday. Come out and enjoy!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Glad to be back at it!
Everybody that has come back and congratulated us on the improvements made, reminds us why we love being in this business in this awesome lakes area! We'll keep you posted as we plan for a grand re-opening weekend. Thank you all for your continued support!
Everybody that has come back and congratulated us on the improvements made, reminds us why we love being in this business in this awesome lakes area! We'll keep you posted as we plan for a grand re-opening weekend. Thank you all for your continued support!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Lake Poinsett's LAKEVIEW Resort
It's official, the long-awaited opening of the doors to LAKEVIEW happened yesterday, August 24th, four months since the doors closed April 15th.
The S.S. LAKEVIEW set sail yesterday on her maiden voyage with a new face-lift. Open from 7am. to 10pm. (or later) seven days a week for food, adult beverage, games, and convenience store. Stop in soon and see the "new" LAKEVIEW. A grand RE-OPENING to be announced...
It's official, the long-awaited opening of the doors to LAKEVIEW happened yesterday, August 24th, four months since the doors closed April 15th.
The S.S. LAKEVIEW set sail yesterday on her maiden voyage with a new face-lift. Open from 7am. to 10pm. (or later) seven days a week for food, adult beverage, games, and convenience store. Stop in soon and see the "new" LAKEVIEW. A grand RE-OPENING to be announced...
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
UPDATE on flooding clean up on Lake Poinsett from KELO-land news
AN UPDATE: From a recent KeLO story:
Clean Up Continues At Lake Poinsett
By Hailey Higgins
Published: July 24, 2011, 9:51 PM
Bookmark and Share Clean Up Continues At Lake Poinsett
AN UPDATE: From a recent KeLO story:
Clean Up Continues At Lake Poinsett
By Hailey Higgins
Published: July 24, 2011, 9:51 PM
Bookmark and Share Clean Up Continues At Lake Poinsett
LAKE POINSETT, SD - Four months since flooding began at Lake Poinsett property owners are still trying to clean up what record-high waters left behind.
While water levels are slowly dropping for many, the work is just beginning.
The high water mark is still visible on the north shore of Lake Poinsett. Some properties remain under water.
Months into the flood fight, sandbags are deteriorating. And while most homeowners aren't battling the water anymore, they're facing a new fight.
"Everything was covered with mold," David Sogn said. "And the flood insurance doesn't cover mold."
A foot of water stood in Sogn's home for months and it's destroyed nearly everything.
"The waves bashed the doors in, knocked them down," Sogn said. "There were crawdads in here and just mud. The carpet was just soaked with mud."
Sogn plans to lift his vacation home 16 inches to prevent future flooding. But to do that, he's ripping out the floors and the walls and leaving just the frame.
"It's kind of depressing," Sogn said. "Just a few years ago I put in all new carpet and new cabinets and did quite a bit of work to it and then (I have to) drag it all out and throw it in the dumpster."
In the meantime, Sogn is forced to live in this trailer while mold lines the walls in his house as the lake slowly sinks back.
"The floor joists are just full of water," Sogn said. "When I pried these out, water squirted out of the floor joists."
But at least he's still got a fighting chance. Neighbors say the owner of this home abandoned it. But for Sogn, that isn't an option.
And as he tears out the floor of his home, he just hopes the ground underneath is dry enough to support the dozen jacks that will raise it up to new heights.
Because of the amount of insurance claims at Lake Poinsett, many homeowners say their paperwork is still not completed with insurance companies. Many don't know how much of their losses will be reimbursed.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
LAKEVIEW Resort progress report
Link Last of the painting is getting done this week at LAKEVIEW! Heating & cooling system installation has begun. Still have plumbing and electrical to do. The kitchen is being remodeled-some unnecessary walls taken out to open up the space. Much more to do, but it's coming together...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
All of your support is so welcome and appreciated!
Bob & I would like to thank everyone for their invites, warm wishes, concerns & prayers along with helping hands and the many offers of help as needed while we move along in this process of rebuilding...
Bob & I would like to thank everyone for their invites, warm wishes, concerns & prayers along with helping hands and the many offers of help as needed while we move along in this process of rebuilding...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Album of Flood and Rebuilding Begun on Facebook
Go to the following link to see photo album of flood and rebuilding effort
Go to the following link to see photo album of flood and rebuilding effort
Time for a Party~Party with the RENEGADES
From Billy Jo Hurley at Renegades Saloon~
We have invited Bob from Lakeview to be our Guest DJ/Karaoke this Friday night! They are in the process of remodelng for all of you who have missed them as much as we have....come on in to Renegades Saloon this Friday night and say "hello" to Bob and Linda from Lakeview! We will be having drink and shot specials all night long!! See you there!!
From Billy Jo Hurley at Renegades Saloon~
We have invited Bob from Lakeview to be our Guest DJ/Karaoke this Friday night! They are in the process of remodelng for all of you who have missed them as much as we have....come on in to Renegades Saloon this Friday night and say "hello" to Bob and Linda from Lakeview! We will be having drink and shot specials all night long!! See you there!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Latest Update on Poinsett from Rick Smith
-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Richard - Hayti, SD
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 4:22 PM
Subject: May 19,2011 Poinsett Update
Lake levels-
Waited until today to get probably best reading of the week. Forecast is
for potential heavy rain (2+inches) over next 72 hours. Current Poinsett
level is 1655.97 which would be a little more than 18 inches down from
the peak this Spring, but still 5 1/2 ft above full. Lake Marsh has
dropped 1 ft from its high, but county roads around it remain underwater
although some are driving through one of the spots. North and South of
Hayti remain closed to all traffic.
Erosion and water clarity-
We've had some wind this week but pretty much contained to less than 20
MPH, and with the lake dropping, it resulted in little erosion. Water
has really cleared up with no new sediment being pulled in off the
Checking on damaged shoreline-
I walked the entire NE Lake Drive shoreline today and will continue so
around the lake as time permits. Each lot is so different in what has or
hasn't happened, how it could be fixed and what the owner is willing or
able to do. There is opportunity for some areas to begin fixing or
adding to protection now, but the majority will still have to wait for
lower water conditions. I was actually quite pleased at how well much of
the past work had held together when done right, with new erosion only
happening because we reached a higher elevation. Of course other sites
that had not participated in the shoreline stabilization practice
previously have severe damage. Several cabins need to seriously consider
being raised and/or moved back from the shoreline before considering
shoreline work. I'm still struggling with trying to approve of the
vertical walls of any kind. The high splash effect on structures and
lawns looks to have done the majority of damage. Again, sloped
shorelines had the least damage. The other factor on the severely eroded
shorelines was where at one time or another excavation or fill from
cabin or house construction was deposited near the shoreline to level
out a lawn, but create a drop off to the lake.
The Estelline Township did bring in rock to elevate the road on NE Lake
Drive so that owners have a dry access road.
Choosing a grass species for a lake cabin- I know that many residents
like a green short mowed or trimmed lawn. Many residents will eventually
be reseeding their lawns after some of the damage to shoreline has been
fixed. Now would be a good time to consider making a change to your
grass lawn concept. First consider the prominent grass type presently
used. Kentucky Bluegrass can survive being mowed really short, but needs
to be mowed once a week and has a very shallow root system under this
scenario of weekly mowing. With the erosion that happened it is very
easy to see how shallow the root structure was on these grass lawns, and
it takes deep roots to stabilize soil. Plus how many of you long to get
to the lake so you can mow the grass, fertilize the grass, spray for
weeds and rarely, lately, turn on the water sprinkler?
An option to consider is choosing a low maintenance grass that requires
no mowing or at least less than 3 times a year mowing, sends roots deep
into sandy and gravelly soils (no watering), is slow to start growth in
Spring, maintains green color and softness during hottest part of
summer, and has a pleasant tan or straw coloration in the fall. You can
top it off with being a native SD species acclimated to whatever Mother
nature dishes out.
While buffalo grass (6 in.) and blue grama (4-12 in.) are commercially
promoted for this xeriscape purpose, they are hard to establish (but
worth the effort if you have determination). We have found that Sideoats
grama has been a very good choice for the above mentioned qualities and
much easier establishment. We recommend this grass for the area between
rows of new shelterbelt plantings as it can handle some shade, fills in
relatively fast to keep out weeds and doesn't create a lot of biomass to
accumulate. We have planted this on some 'God Awful' stony, gravelly
excavated soil behind our office building and it has flourished needing
only one or two mowing per summer to keep presentable if desired that
way. The key to establishing it for a lawn is to plant it thick as it
will not spread as fast as bluegrass. If you are interested in a better
grass for your lake cabin lot, consider sideoats grama or any of a mix
of these better options. I can direct any inquiries to seed dealers that
can offer more specific answers.
Rick Smith
Lake Poinsett Watershed Coordinator
PO Box 165
Hayti, SD 57241
-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Richard - Hayti, SD
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 4:22 PM
Subject: May 19,2011 Poinsett Update
Lake levels-
Waited until today to get probably best reading of the week. Forecast is
for potential heavy rain (2+inches) over next 72 hours. Current Poinsett
level is 1655.97 which would be a little more than 18 inches down from
the peak this Spring, but still 5 1/2 ft above full. Lake Marsh has
dropped 1 ft from its high, but county roads around it remain underwater
although some are driving through one of the spots. North and South of
Hayti remain closed to all traffic.
Erosion and water clarity-
We've had some wind this week but pretty much contained to less than 20
MPH, and with the lake dropping, it resulted in little erosion. Water
has really cleared up with no new sediment being pulled in off the
Checking on damaged shoreline-
I walked the entire NE Lake Drive shoreline today and will continue so
around the lake as time permits. Each lot is so different in what has or
hasn't happened, how it could be fixed and what the owner is willing or
able to do. There is opportunity for some areas to begin fixing or
adding to protection now, but the majority will still have to wait for
lower water conditions. I was actually quite pleased at how well much of
the past work had held together when done right, with new erosion only
happening because we reached a higher elevation. Of course other sites
that had not participated in the shoreline stabilization practice
previously have severe damage. Several cabins need to seriously consider
being raised and/or moved back from the shoreline before considering
shoreline work. I'm still struggling with trying to approve of the
vertical walls of any kind. The high splash effect on structures and
lawns looks to have done the majority of damage. Again, sloped
shorelines had the least damage. The other factor on the severely eroded
shorelines was where at one time or another excavation or fill from
cabin or house construction was deposited near the shoreline to level
out a lawn, but create a drop off to the lake.
The Estelline Township did bring in rock to elevate the road on NE Lake
Drive so that owners have a dry access road.
Choosing a grass species for a lake cabin- I know that many residents
like a green short mowed or trimmed lawn. Many residents will eventually
be reseeding their lawns after some of the damage to shoreline has been
fixed. Now would be a good time to consider making a change to your
grass lawn concept. First consider the prominent grass type presently
used. Kentucky Bluegrass can survive being mowed really short, but needs
to be mowed once a week and has a very shallow root system under this
scenario of weekly mowing. With the erosion that happened it is very
easy to see how shallow the root structure was on these grass lawns, and
it takes deep roots to stabilize soil. Plus how many of you long to get
to the lake so you can mow the grass, fertilize the grass, spray for
weeds and rarely, lately, turn on the water sprinkler?
An option to consider is choosing a low maintenance grass that requires
no mowing or at least less than 3 times a year mowing, sends roots deep
into sandy and gravelly soils (no watering), is slow to start growth in
Spring, maintains green color and softness during hottest part of
summer, and has a pleasant tan or straw coloration in the fall. You can
top it off with being a native SD species acclimated to whatever Mother
nature dishes out.
While buffalo grass (6 in.) and blue grama (4-12 in.) are commercially
promoted for this xeriscape purpose, they are hard to establish (but
worth the effort if you have determination). We have found that Sideoats
grama has been a very good choice for the above mentioned qualities and
much easier establishment. We recommend this grass for the area between
rows of new shelterbelt plantings as it can handle some shade, fills in
relatively fast to keep out weeds and doesn't create a lot of biomass to
accumulate. We have planted this on some 'God Awful' stony, gravelly
excavated soil behind our office building and it has flourished needing
only one or two mowing per summer to keep presentable if desired that
way. The key to establishing it for a lawn is to plant it thick as it
will not spread as fast as bluegrass. If you are interested in a better
grass for your lake cabin lot, consider sideoats grama or any of a mix
of these better options. I can direct any inquiries to seed dealers that
can offer more specific answers.
Rick Smith
Lake Poinsett Watershed Coordinator
PO Box 165
Hayti, SD 57241
Friday, May 13, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Looking for Information about Poinsett Flood Waters?
There's a new site on facebook worth checking out for photos and updated news from contributors all around the lake. You will also find the links for news reports from TV and newspapers. Follow the link:!/lakepoinsett to find the Lake Poinsett Community Page.
As of this writing, LAKEVIEW is closed indefinitely due to the flooding.
As of this writing, LAKEVIEW is closed indefinitely due to the flooding.
Friday, April 15, 2011
LAKEVIEW CLOSED. Ark Party moves to Badger.
LAKEVIEW's Ark Party, planned for this Saturday night, has moved to the Badger Legion Hall. Come party 2 x 2 with us at the Ark Party from 7pm - midnight, April 16th. Mother Nature had her way last night and flooded us out. LAKEVIEW has closed her doors for an undetermined length of time.
We'd just like one last chance to get together with all our loyal customers and friends to say, "thank you and good bye" for now. Let's have some fun, laugh and sing as we take a break from sandbagging and the high water blues for a night.
We'll continue to keep the lake community posted as we determine the future of our business. There is a rainbow out there for us, somewhere...
LAKEVIEW's Ark Party, planned for this Saturday night, has moved to the Badger Legion Hall. Come party 2 x 2 with us at the Ark Party from 7pm - midnight, April 16th. Mother Nature had her way last night and flooded us out. LAKEVIEW has closed her doors for an undetermined length of time.
We'd just like one last chance to get together with all our loyal customers and friends to say, "thank you and good bye" for now. Let's have some fun, laugh and sing as we take a break from sandbagging and the high water blues for a night.
We'll continue to keep the lake community posted as we determine the future of our business. There is a rainbow out there for us, somewhere...
Thursday, April 14, 2011
From all of us at LAKEVIEW, we want to thank everyone for their positive support and comments. It helps us keep our heads up as we continue on day by day. Yes, wear your boots when you stop in to see us. We're open every morning at 7am until 4pm. Friday & Saturday nights until midnight or later. Lord willing, the Noah's Ark Party is on for Sat. night!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
One day at a time...LAKEVIEW is OPEN.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Calm before the Storm?
Lake Poinsett Group-Discussions Calm weather today with an overcast sky and a dark cloud looming in the form of a forecast for rain tonight. The forecast map shows us "on the edge" of the predicted storm area. Lakes Albert and Poinsett both developed black ice yesterday, but it's still thick ice.
Water level has risen this week, but seems to have slowed both yesterday and today. Now it's what the weather does that will impact the flooding and ice damage. For the latest email forwards-communication buzz around the lake, look to the Facebook Lake Poinsett group-discussions. Read from bottom first. Most recent posts are at the bottom of the Discussions page.
Water level has risen this week, but seems to have slowed both yesterday and today. Now it's what the weather does that will impact the flooding and ice damage. For the latest email forwards-communication buzz around the lake, look to the Facebook Lake Poinsett group-discussions. Read from bottom first. Most recent posts are at the bottom of the Discussions page.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
LAKEVIEW is planning an ARK Party, April 16th. Will post details as the date draws near.
Despite what you might hear, so far there is no water in the building and the parking lot has dry pavement and a boardwalk to the door. Come on in, we're still serving breakfast beginning at 7am., lunch and dinner until 8 or 9pm. Convenience store stocked with snacks, pop and beer.!/topic.php?uid=127116597324769&topic=587
This is the home of Lake Poinsett Group discussion page. Click on the link to read updates or to reply with what you are seeing.
Despite what you might hear, so far there is no water in the building and the parking lot has dry pavement and a boardwalk to the door. Come on in, we're still serving breakfast beginning at 7am., lunch and dinner until 8 or 9pm. Convenience store stocked with snacks, pop and beer.!/topic.php?uid=127116597324769&topic=587
This is the home of Lake Poinsett Group discussion page. Click on the link to read updates or to reply with what you are seeing.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
No Foolin, Live Music at LAKEVIEW this Weekend!
LAKEVIEW on Facebook
They are back by popular demand, Crossroads Band will be rocking the house starting at 9pm both Friday and Saturday Nights. Come out, bring your friends and let's have some fun!
They are back by popular demand, Crossroads Band will be rocking the house starting at 9pm both Friday and Saturday Nights. Come out, bring your friends and let's have some fun!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Lake Poinsett
From an email forwarded to me, Saturday March 26, 2011. For those that can't make it to the lake right now, read on...
Was cold again last night out here at the lake. Really hasn't been any melting at all the past couple of days. I am thinking that has got to help. But water is still flowing like crazy into the lake!
I drove all the way around the lake yesterday. You can tell the homeowners that can't get out here that the lake is still frozen (as you can see by my pictures). In fact by the Methodist Camp and also by Prestrudes people are actually out there ice fishing! Only open water I saw was by the inlets. Now, I am not the smartest guy out here at Poinsett, but it sure APPEARED to me that the ice was rising along the shoreline in some spots. It looked like the ice was bulging in spots and pushing the sand up in other places. Now again, take it for what it's worth because it's coming from me ok! LOL
A lot (not all) of the cabins still have a lot of snow drifts around them.....driveways are blocked...drifts between the cabins....and drifts preventing you from getting down to the lake. So some might need to bring a shovel if they plan on coming out this weekend. Roads leading to them are not in the best of shape. In some places roads are just so soft that any driving on them results in deep ruts that immediately fill with water....and then there are some roads that are flooded.
The Hamlin County road crew, Sheriff Dan Mack and his deputies, Emergency Management Dave Schafer and his crew, area fire departments, and of course Richard Smith all deserve a HUGE Thank You when this over. Yes, I know, they will all tell you they are just doing their job. But they have all gone way beyond the call of duty on this one! They are out there 24 hours a day.....and they actually have been...helping everyone in this area with the flooding problems. Where would we be without Dave Schafer and Richard Smith providing us those almost daily updates! For some of you that is the only link you have as to what is happening! I just really appreciate it that all these people are out there FOR US!
Sue, if anyone that can't get out here wants specific pictures of their place, just have them reply back to you and you can get me their addresses. I will go and take some pictures and forward them to you to get to them. I would enjoy doing that for them.....we are all Lake people....that's how we are out here!
Thanks for letting me ramble on and on and on.....LOL
Vic Erlacher
Friday, March 18, 2011
Looking for water level news?
LAKEVIEW on Poinsett
We're all holding our breath, wondering what this spring will bring. Sandbags are being filled from the sand pile in the parking lot adjacent to LAKEVIEW. Come in and get your sandbags. Posts regarding lake levels are beginning to show up on the Lake Poinsett Group Facebook page. Here is the link to that:!/group.php?gid=127116597324769
Come back here often for more updates or where to find updated info.
We're all holding our breath, wondering what this spring will bring. Sandbags are being filled from the sand pile in the parking lot adjacent to LAKEVIEW. Come in and get your sandbags. Posts regarding lake levels are beginning to show up on the Lake Poinsett Group Facebook page. Here is the link to that:!/group.php?gid=127116597324769
Come back here often for more updates or where to find updated info.
Monday, March 14, 2011
It's been six weeks since Ground Hog's Day; Spring Here!?!
LAKEVIEW on Facebook link
I'm no professional weather forecaster, but I think it's okay to try this from home...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 is exact six weeks since February 2nd-Ground Hog's Day. On that day the day was sunny so the Ground Hog in South Dakota would have seen his shadow. Therefore, my prediction on that day was for ONLY six more weeks of winter.
Besides the mild temperatures we now are experiencing (not only daytime but nighttime lows are at least in the twenties) but also the fact that looking back, March weather did roar in like a lion. That assures that it will wimp out like a lamb. The days are getting longer, even if you haven't reset your clocks, like me.
Based on those facts, I proclaim (don't sue me if I'm wrong) Spring is just around the corner! And we'll beat the official first day of spring, March 20th by four days without winter relapse after that date!!
I'm no professional weather forecaster, but I think it's okay to try this from home...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 is exact six weeks since February 2nd-Ground Hog's Day. On that day the day was sunny so the Ground Hog in South Dakota would have seen his shadow. Therefore, my prediction on that day was for ONLY six more weeks of winter.
Besides the mild temperatures we now are experiencing (not only daytime but nighttime lows are at least in the twenties) but also the fact that looking back, March weather did roar in like a lion. That assures that it will wimp out like a lamb. The days are getting longer, even if you haven't reset your clocks, like me.
Based on those facts, I proclaim (don't sue me if I'm wrong) Spring is just around the corner! And we'll beat the official first day of spring, March 20th by four days without winter relapse after that date!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
All-You-Can-Eat Fish on Lent Fridays!
LAKEVIEW on Facebook
Lent is here. Fridays, traditionally are fish. We honor the tradition by offering All-You-Can Eat Alaskan Pollack on Friday Nights at LAKEVIEW.
Lent is here. Fridays, traditionally are fish. We honor the tradition by offering All-You-Can Eat Alaskan Pollack on Friday Nights at LAKEVIEW.
Monday, March 7, 2011
LAKEVIEW fan, yet?
Fans of LAKEVIEW Resort on facebook are receiving discounts. You, too can receive $1 off your LAKEVIEW Dee's Burger and fries. Check out the offer at the link: LAKEVIEW-Facebook
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Benefit Poker Run - this Saturday, March 12th
Saturday, March 12th
Benefit Poker Run for Dee Barton-Rhody
All are Welcome to participate with chance to win!
$10 per hand
Anytime after noon, start at any stop:
Last Draw with maximum of 7 card draw at 5:00 pm.
Looking forward to seeing you all.
Family & Friends of Dee Rhody want to thank you for your support.
Serving supper at LAKEVIEW until 9pm when Bob "cranks up" the karaoke.
Let the good times roll...
Benefit Poker Run for Dee Barton-Rhody
All are Welcome to participate with chance to win!
$10 per hand
Anytime after noon, start at any stop:
RenegadesAn Early Bird Drawing for 5 stops at 3:30 pm.
Mystic Lanes
Triple B
Ships Inn
Kones Korner
Red Carpet
Last Draw with maximum of 7 card draw at 5:00 pm.
Looking forward to seeing you all.
Family & Friends of Dee Rhody want to thank you for your support.
Serving supper at LAKEVIEW until 9pm when Bob "cranks up" the karaoke.
Let the good times roll...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Cleaned out my inbox & look what I found...
From the Poinsett Pounders Snowmobile Club:
Champagne & Hot Dog Ride
Sunday, March 6th
1:00 Lake Albert by the island
"Hey, has anyone been out on Albert lately? On the Ribbon Ride it was extremely slushy."Vegas Night at Hayti Fire Hall March 26th
"I rode albert on sunday no slush excellant snow" scott
From the LPADA:
Date: April 30th at 10:00 a.m. Methodist camp
I also found two sets of pictures in my inbox of snow clean-up around the lake. I downloaded them, but I'm sorry, now I don't know who took these, but they sure were something to pass on. If you recognize them and know the photographer, please email their name so I can credit them.
Email address:
They are an incredible contrast to the usual summer pictures we see. I posted a few of them on Facebook in the Lake Poinsett group picture album. To see them go to the link: lake poinsett group
Friday, February 25, 2011
Take advantage of the quiet, and have some family time at LAKEVIEW!
Isn't it time for some quality family time? So how about taking your folks or your kids out for supper? Enjoy a glass of wine, mixed drink or beer with your sit-down, casual dining experience, all at an affordable price.
The fish - cod or catfish is the special on Friday nights. Saturday night you can get a nice cut of beef prime rib with au ju sauce or long simmered barbecued pork ribs. We've got that awesome salad bar both Friday & Saturday nights with your steak, chicken, shrimp or fish dinners.
Come early-by 5:30 you can get in line for the salad bar.
Click to see us on Facebook.Lake-Poinsetts-LAKEVIEW-Resort
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
How about those LAKEVIEW shooters?
Last night of Hamlin County pool league and LAKEVIEW is proud to announce (drum roll) the Balls In team battled for and secured FIRST place!! Congratulations to Gordy, Ozzie, Frankie and Terry!
LAKEVIEW's other team, the Back Pocket took fifth or sixth place in the league. Charlie, Rob, Bob and Linda would be happy if we finish in the top half!
For more information about the other teams of the league, go to United Games website.
LAKEVIEW's other team, the Back Pocket took fifth or sixth place in the league. Charlie, Rob, Bob and Linda would be happy if we finish in the top half!
For more information about the other teams of the league, go to United Games website.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Today's Ice & snow report on the lake
Today under a clear blue sky, Bob wants to report that from the shoreline to out over a hundred yards from LAKEVIEW Resort, snow is less than 6" deep. Ice is stable and approximately 17" thick. No slush or water under the snow cover. Perfect conditions for SNOLF, Saturday afternoon! Thank you Mother Nature...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
YouTube - Elvis Presley-Kid Galahad Slideshow
YouTube - Elvis Presley-Kid Galahad Slideshow: ""So what does boxing and Elvis have in common? Watch this slideshow and you'll know why at LAKEVIEW this Friday night there will be not only dancing and singing along to karaoke, but the Boxing Wii will be there for anyone wanting to challenge Elvis in the ring!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Cold enough for you?
No getting away from the cold this time of year. But relief in sight maybe, in February. Looking forward to Ground Hog's Day this Wednesday. If it's a sunny day (here in South Dakota not Pennsylvania), the Ground Hog will see his shadow. Good news for us if it's sunny, because the prediction is for only six more weeks of winter versus a cloudy day prediction. If it's a cloudy day on Ground Hog's Day (February 2nd) and there is no shadow...well, who knows how much longer winter will hang on. I'm from Duluth and can remember snow banks still in our yard in the middle of May! Anyway...
Looking forward to the Ride for the Ribbon fundraiser for breast cancer this Saturday. The following Friday, Feb. 11th is Valentine's weekend. LAKEVIEW is kicking it off with a live ELVIS performance at 9pm. Come early and get in on a dinner special. Dress up is encouraged. Stay late to dance, sing along with karaoke and a chance to win door prizes.
Looking forward to the Ride for the Ribbon fundraiser for breast cancer this Saturday. The following Friday, Feb. 11th is Valentine's weekend. LAKEVIEW is kicking it off with a live ELVIS performance at 9pm. Come early and get in on a dinner special. Dress up is encouraged. Stay late to dance, sing along with karaoke and a chance to win door prizes.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
4th Annual SNOLF, February 19th - sign up at 2pm.
SNOLF - Golfing on Snow, on the lake at LAKEVIEW. Saturday February 19th with registration beginning at 2 pm. $5 entry fee. 100% payout and door prizes. Bring your own club and tennis ball. Gathering in LAKEVIEW for warming up, fun, music and prizes around 5:30pm. Come as a single player or as a 3-person team. All spectators (window lickers) are welcome.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Add this to your Saturday TO DO, Come out and Join the fun
Not Just for Snowmobiles, Everyone Has a Chance to Play and Win!
LET THE FUN BEGIN - Get Out There, Anytime This Saturday!!!
LAKEVIEW Resort, Lake Poinsett Winter Poker Run
$10 per hand, unlimited number of hands. 100% pay out
Five Card Draw
Start after Noon
**Early Bird Draw 4-5pm**(Hands recorded for inclusion in the Final Draw)
***Final Draw 9-10pm*** (Need not be present to win.) Draw Cards at LAKEVIEW Resort.
Start anywhere. Get your cards stamped at any of the following establishments:
- LAKEVIEW - Lake Poinsett
- Siouxland - Lake Poinsett
- ABR - Lake Poinsett
- Smokin' Johnnies - Lake Poinsett
- Tumbleweed - Badger
- Bull Pen - Lake Norden
- Mystic Lanes - Hayti
- Renagades - Hayti
Early Bird Supper Specials, serving 4-6pm.
$1 off any appetizer or any burger with fries
$8.95 prime rib sandwich with fries
Kitchen will be open until 9:30pm. serving all your favorites, plus $15.95 prime rib dinners
Bob's Karaoke will begin at 10pm.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Third Friday of each month-pool tournaments starting Jan. 21st
Lake Poinsett's LAKEVIEW Resort Lakeview is hosting a pool tournament Jan 21 starting at 730 pm. Everyone is welcome $10 dollar buy in and will have 2 pool tables so it should be fairly quick pace. If you do have some down time there is a full menu and full bar to help you enjoy the time. Hope to see you there!!!!!lakeview resort on facebook
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Winter Games this weekend. Fireworks Saturday Night on Poinsett!
January 14-16, 2011
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