Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New Look for Blog and Website

It's been a very busy winter and early spring here at the lake.  The weather has been unbelievably mild all winter. And for the last month we've been enjoying springlike weather most days.  There are many signs of spring and quick posts to Facebook have documented some of that activity.

You may have noticed the new look for this blog.  There are other changes as well.  Along with an updated look to the LAKEVIEW website, there is now an item in the menu of the website that takes you directly to this blog. There is still more to do, but that nice weather is pulling me outside and away from my desk. Now that much of that technical work is behind me, and I've streamlined the process, I hope to reach out to you through the blog and email more often about what's going on at the lake.

So in the meantime, take a few minutes and browse the new pages of this blog and see what you think of the updated LAKEVIEW website. Check out the links.  They are full of information.  If you have trouble opening any of them, please let me know by emailing:  I appreciate your feedback.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.
Winter Fireworks over Lake Poinsett