Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Ice appeared during the night on both lakes, Poinsett and Albert.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Holiday Parties Welcome!

We're getting Christmas party inquiries and bookings right now.  Give Bob a call 983-5049 to discuss the possibilities.  If you like, he can give you references from others. We have had gatherings where they ordered off the menu, served themselves buffet style or family-style, sit down meals all with a pre-arranged price and cash bar.  Get into the jingle-jingle mood with a holiday gathering of co-workers, friends or family!


Lake Poinsett's LAKEVIEW Resort Having some BUZZ about Snolf-4th Annual Golf on Snow (on the lake). Throwing out a date to consider, Sat. Feb. 19th??! Feedback, please!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Three brave South Dakota girls worth mentioning this week. And Third

And finally, a little closer to home.  It was reported in the Hamlin County Herald Enterprise, .hamlincountypublishing.com that there will be a pancake feed hosted by the Hamlin Lions Club this Sunday, Nov. 7th at the Hayti Fire Hall. A free will donation will be collected with proceeds going  to Lisa Pedersen to help defray the medical and travel expense she has incurred since her  brave fight with cancer began this summer.  As reported by the newspaper, Lisa has finished her last treatments at the Mayo Clinic and will soon begin chemotherapy.  Lisa is a teacher, wife and mother of elementary school-age twin boys. We're pulling for you, Lisa!  Now lets all get out and let somebody else cook.  Pancakes this Sunday, 9am. - 1pm. 

Three brave South Dakota girls worth mentioning this week. Number 2.

The second brave South Dakota girl I'd like to mention is Kari Krumwiede from Watertown, South Dakota.  She was a contestant on the Price is Right.
If you're like me and not a regular viewer but was lucky enough to see her smiling face along with her twin sister, sisters, sister-in-law, and mother on the cover of the Public Opinion, October 21st then you would have known to tune in this last Monday to see Kari, "Come On Down".
Kari and Bob have a lot in common and have been friends for a long time. She is brave and she made us all proud to know her, on that stage with Drew Carey.

Three brave South Dakota girls worth mentioning this week. First

First, catching a glimpse of Survivor on TV last night, I think I spotted, Holly Hoffman (from Eureka, South Dakota), still in the pack. See previous post in September.  Somebody, please correct me if I'm wrong on this or better yet, submit a paragraph here as an update.  (Sideline: I know now why I don't usually watch Survivor.  It's on Wednesday nights, which is pool league night and I am with my team following what's going on on the pool table and shooting pool at LAKEVIEW or one of the neighboring establishments in the area.)  So please update, submit a post here!

Monday, November 1, 2010

More choice comments on smokers and rights...

October 24, 2010

Dear Editor,

For all who will celebrate the "smoking ban" [proposed law in South Dakota], please temper your joy with one simple thought.  What is so easy to take away from others will be just as easy to take away from you. 

Choice!  The debate has little to do with the pro's and cons of smoking or what is referred to as "risky behavior" but more to do with intolerance, a trend toward absolutes, zero tolerance and the ultimate control over every aspect of modern American life.  The real tragedy of the slow, methodic chipping away of choices is no one is aware of what is happening until the day arrives when it's their turn to be the target of social engineering.

As Americans, we have always believed we have the right to live our lives knowing we have choices.  This is a right we have long taken for granted.  No longer.  Under the lofty terms of morality, safety and health, American is slowly eroding into a George Orwell 1984 society.  It is not difficult to envision an America, in the not too distant future, where toy stores can only sell toys deemed acceptable by "vague authorities" on childhood development.  No choice.  Clothing stores with only racks of attire considered by a "vague moral judge" to be appropriate.  No choice.  Food stores and restaurants providing only food determined healthy by a distant "vague expert".  No choice.  All of this will come about with studies supporting a specific point of view and many will become true believers.  There will be no challenge, there will be no choice.

So, as there is gleeful dancing in the streets by those that think they've won, yet another victory over freedom and choice, ask yourself.  What next?

Mary Dubro

Isn't it really a matter of choice?

Studies show that if someone is blowing smoke up your...nose, maybe you have issues that won't be resolved by a law that takes away freedom of choice for all! Join me, I choose to be a non-smoker who appreciates and values my considerate smoking friends. I'm drawing a line in the sand before they take away my french fries for my own good.  I'm voting NO on 12! Linda Popkes

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.
Winter Fireworks over Lake Poinsett