Monday, November 1, 2010

More choice comments on smokers and rights...

October 24, 2010

Dear Editor,

For all who will celebrate the "smoking ban" [proposed law in South Dakota], please temper your joy with one simple thought.  What is so easy to take away from others will be just as easy to take away from you. 

Choice!  The debate has little to do with the pro's and cons of smoking or what is referred to as "risky behavior" but more to do with intolerance, a trend toward absolutes, zero tolerance and the ultimate control over every aspect of modern American life.  The real tragedy of the slow, methodic chipping away of choices is no one is aware of what is happening until the day arrives when it's their turn to be the target of social engineering.

As Americans, we have always believed we have the right to live our lives knowing we have choices.  This is a right we have long taken for granted.  No longer.  Under the lofty terms of morality, safety and health, American is slowly eroding into a George Orwell 1984 society.  It is not difficult to envision an America, in the not too distant future, where toy stores can only sell toys deemed acceptable by "vague authorities" on childhood development.  No choice.  Clothing stores with only racks of attire considered by a "vague moral judge" to be appropriate.  No choice.  Food stores and restaurants providing only food determined healthy by a distant "vague expert".  No choice.  All of this will come about with studies supporting a specific point of view and many will become true believers.  There will be no challenge, there will be no choice.

So, as there is gleeful dancing in the streets by those that think they've won, yet another victory over freedom and choice, ask yourself.  What next?

Mary Dubro

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Winter Fireworks over Lake Poinsett