Monday, March 22, 2010

Cold slows the thaw...

My first inclination on this first official Monday of Spring, is to complain about the north wind a-blowin' this morning after a chilly night. HOWEVER, think freeze-dry and it all gets better. The groundhog's shadow was a forecast for a late spring and if warmer weather and sunshine come slowly, odds have it that the flood risk goes down, right?

Saw alot of people out and about this last weekend. It was great. The fundraiser for Gary Cooper was deemed a success. We saw alot of people there in Badger that we hadn't seen in a long time. At Lakeview, Friday night we wrapped up the March madness pool tournament. This Friday night is our monthly dart tournament as the seasons wind down.

Reminder: Saturday is scheduled to be a Scavenger Hunt in the afternoon beginning with registration at 2:30. Please pre-register so we know your intent and can plan food, etc.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.
Winter Fireworks over Lake Poinsett