Saturday, April 9, 2011

Calm before the Storm?

Lake Poinsett Group-Discussions Calm weather today with an overcast sky and a dark cloud looming in the form of a forecast for rain tonight. The forecast map shows us "on the edge" of the predicted storm area. Lakes Albert and Poinsett both developed black ice yesterday, but it's still thick ice.
Water level has risen this week, but seems to have slowed both yesterday and today. Now it's what the weather does that will impact the flooding and ice damage. For the latest email forwards-communication buzz around the lake, look to the Facebook Lake Poinsett group-discussions. Read from bottom first. Most recent posts are at the bottom of the Discussions page.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.
Winter Fireworks over Lake Poinsett