Thursday, April 12, 2012

Color Me Happy.....Kids Coloring Pages--Celebrating Spring & Return of the Pelicans

This is for the Kids!

Hey Kids!
Help us decorate LAKEVIEW for spring.  Color the pelican pages (included as pdf. pages in this blog for downloading or pick up your copy at LAKEVIEW) and return them to LAKEVIEW by April 28th so we can hang them.  

Use your imagination and any medium to color the pages.  We left the back blank for you to add any information about yourself that you choose (ex. name, age, town or city, school etc.) to include with your 'masterpiece'. 

The first twenty kids that return their colored page(s) will receive a $2 gift certificate from LAKEVIEW. We will display the colored pelican pages until June 21st.  If you want your page(s) back, you can pick them up at LAKEVIEW June 22nd until July 1, 2012.

Thank you for your help to celebrate spring and the return of the American White Pelicans to the Poinsett Area LakeS. And we'd like to take this opportunity to thank artist, Susan Fisher for contributing the hand-drawn pelican pages for coloring and also the photo of  the pelican wearing sunglasses.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.
Winter Fireworks over Lake Poinsett