Thursday, May 24, 2012

Back to the Lake, a cute story

On a recent visit from Arizona, five-year-old, R.J., could not be convinced he was back in South Dakota.  Mom and Dad had told him and his little sister that they were taking an airplane to go visit Grandma and Poppy who had already been visiting Lake Poinsett since early summer. 

So thinking maybe it was because this trip he had flown here instead of the long drive they made last year, his family all tried to persuade him with proof.  Stubbornly he refused to believe them and continued to ask, "When are we going to South Dakota?"

During the second week of their two-week vacation, they all decided to come out to LAKEVIEW Resort for lunch.  As they pulled into the parking lot, from the backseat came a loud, excited, five-year-old voice, "Hurray, we found it!"  R.J. exclaimed with an accompanying sigh of relief, "Finally, we found it.  We found South Dakota!"

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.
Winter Fireworks over Lake Poinsett