Wednesday, March 25, 2009

after the excitement dies down...

Between the SDSU women's basketball team being in the national playoffs, (Sunday and Tuesday) and the rains of Monday night, today finds us down. Playoffs ended abruptly in last half-second of the game and our peek at spring seems over for now as the cold and snow are trying to move back in.

But first of all, "How 'bout them Jacks?" Didn't they made us all proud!!

And then the rain! All of the area lakes and streams are flowing hard. Bob drove around yesterday and found some country roads are under water as the creeks rise above their banks.

I went to the cocorahs website (mentioned in an earlier post, see below) to find local precipitation levels. Reporters in Brookings registered .42-.47 inches in their rain gauges. Watertown, White, and Hayti measurements were 1.56-1.76 inches. But Lake Norden's total was 2.66 inches!

If you'd like to be a volunteer with cocorah and report rainfall, visit the following link for more information.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.
Winter Fireworks over Lake Poinsett