Friday, April 10, 2009

taxes, spring cleaning & darts

This last week I set out to put together our taxes. But after sitting at the dining room table for over an hour with papers, file folders and mini-mountains of receipts scattered before me, I had this urge to eat something. After a quick trip to the kitchen settling on an apple and some snack crackers, I was back at the "tax thing" for a few minutes when in the middle of what I had filed in January 2008, I had to get up and go to the bathroom. While there I couldn't stop myself from scrubbing the bathroom sink, the floor, wiping down the shower and the mirror and so it went all week. Every time I basically chained myself to sit and 'do taxes' my short attention span for the task would send me into either an eating or cleaning frenzy. Finally, cleaning won out in the struggle and eventually the taxes got done. Maybe next year I'll plan to do it in the same way and not give in to so many snack crackers along the way.

Anyway, LAKEVIEW Resort is proud of their Renegades team that claimed 2nd place in the dart season this year. They were awarded a trophy (that we will proudly display) at the dart party last Friday. Bob was there to thank the Poinsett Area Dart League for supporting our dart tournaments held monthly this last year and to invite all to come out this Friday night for our final dart tournament of the season.

Registration is at 7:30. Play begins at 8:00pm. Maybe we'll see you there.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.

Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.
Winter Fireworks over Lake Poinsett