Monday, May 18, 2009


A Huge THANK YOU to all who made our 10-year anniversary celebration a fun and memorable event!
Thank you to all for the gifts and well-wishes from those that were there and to those of you that had other commitments, but were there in spirit.
Our food, liquor, and beer distributors generously donated to the enjoyment of the weekend.
Our kitchen people outdid themselves with the 'Bourbon Steak' while providing the quality meals we've all come to expect. So thankful to have Dee back on hand. She made up the week's chili and "mannned" the till.
The live band, ONE NIGHT ONLY, was absolutely awesome; singing and playing to the enthusiastic crowd who succeeded in convincing them to do an encore for one last dance.
The karaoke singers made our first ever, Karaoke Contest, a 'must-do' for every 3rd Saturday of each month. What fun and great listening for all!
Barb Carlson baked the beautiful (and delicious) cake and cookies for the Pinata Party. Those kids were so determined to break open that stubborn donkey so he'd release the hidden treats for them. They all took turns swinging for over a half-hour. They truly earned what finally came tumbling out of the pinata!
And finally, to our friends Mary & Dick who are always there to help...a heartfelt thank you, too.

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Click on image to see the LAKEVIEW website.
Winter Fireworks over Lake Poinsett